26 May 2012
Bad news, Space Cadets, the time warp struck again this morning. Wide awake at 4:30 and, next thing I knew, it was after 7. Thirteen miles with Marty (down to Brandon and back) after a quick breakfast. Alverta arrived mid-morning for some quality cedar shingle staining time. Mid-afternoon I caught her sitting on the ground taking an unauthorized break, something she is wont to do as the photographic evidence attests. She claimed she fell, but this was clearly a violation of the union work rules. Fortunately nothing was broken, only minor blood was spilled, and she made up the lost time at the end of the work day. With Alverta’s help, got five courses of shingles on the east wall today. Even though Chris Thiel says they look good from his house, I think the last two courses would make a thrilling roller coaster ride at any amusement park. (Note: Chris lives in Virginia.) The mosquito control spray truck just came around… to everywhere except Triangle Square Circle. Good thing I’ve got a corner on the Deep Woods Off market.