30 April 2012

Two milestones reached today.  First, I finally used up a package of Arrow T-50 Ceiltile staples that I acquired in 1974.  Not to worry, I have another whole box, same vintage.  At the present rate of consumption I’ll be long gone before they are.  Won’t they be a well-treasured inheritance item?  Second milestone is that I officially declared the shed stonework to be completely done as of lunchtime today.  Let the party begin!!!!  All the masonry tools have been cleaned and put away, including the much-beloved rock washing barrel.  Sad to say there weren’t much left of the blue scrub brush used to clean rocks.  Also weren’t much left of the 7,640 pounds of masonry sand that Bob LaPorte delivered in July 2010… I’d guesstimate maybe 300 pounds.  All that sand got combined with 2,400 pounds of Type S mortar mix and several thousand rocks to produce the epitome of man caves.  As for rocks, though there are plenty more where they came from, the actual pile of “building stones” also is pretty much depleted.  Spent another $250 at Goodro’s this morning getting the lumber needed for exterior trim around the woodshed doors… plus yet another roll of Home Slicker.  Also made arrangements to put Delores out of her misery into Pete’s RV repair shop week after next for generator replacement, roof leak repair, and leveling jack malfunction investigation.  With what that little soiree will cost, maybe all the kids will get for an inheritance is a package of vintage T-50 staples…