16 April 2012
Loaded the van with (literally) a half ton of stuff (twice as much as it is rated to carry; me bad!) and made an uneventful drive up to Fern Lake in just under nine hours… arriving two minutes earlier than previously announced (me good!). Per Perry’s observations over the winta’, found one tree down (missing the shed by at least 10 feet), another whose top blew down (missing the RV by six feet; whew!), and a third tree whose top had broken off and was suspended right over the campfire area. Retrieved the garage door opener from Marty & Merry, who reported no further instances of the shed garage door mysteriously opening of its own volition, as happened last month. Second order of business was to drop the 14″ maple whose top was over the campfire area… and which, when felled, was going to head straight for where Delores normally sits. That done, started the RV (first turn of the key!!!!) and moved her back into position. During the interior inspection, only found a few mouse droppings in the usual drawers and no nests. But, why, oh why, I ask myself, does Delores soooooo hate me???? Everything worked perfectly during the reactivation sequence EXCEPT for the hot water faucet on the kitchen sink… which produces only a weak dribble. Note to Chree: the furnace works fine. Of course! That’s because it was still 85 degrees inside the RV when I went to bed! The lake water temperature is 59 degrees and the water level is already 15″ below the top of the dock.