29 April 2012

All bundled up in my winter coat, a heavy sweatshirt, a long-sleeve running shirt, and a tee-shirt in order to stave off the elements while working outside this morning, Kris and Scott Higman (dear friends from my working days) called to say how much they were enjoying the blog postings… and that it was 81 degrees in Charleston, SC, where they live.  Always a cheerful time whenever I chat with Kris.  Scott also reminded me that Who’s on first.  Made some modifications to the Triangle Square Circle sign to thwart any further theft attempts similar to what was tried last fall after I had decamped for Virginia.  A good thing Perry was keeping a close eye on the property, as otherwise we’d be buying yet another driveway sign.  Needed a 5/16 – 18 tap to finish the sign mods, but of course my tap and die set is in Virginia, so went over to borrow one from Perry… and also steal a small bit more from his roll of (very expensive!) Grace Ice & Water Shield.  Installed (incorrectly as usual, but that sucker ain’t never coming down) a header on the right-hand (or starboard, if you prefer) woodshed door opening to bring that door height down to match the people door.  Also installed a ¾” trim piece so that the starboard door will be the same width as its counterpart on the port side.  Then finished putting up 30# felt around the opening preparatory to installing the door’s exterior trim and threshold.