26 September 2011
Puttered around doing odds and ends waiting for the roofers to arrive, including smoothing out the path that Merry Lapidus likes to use when she ventures up the hill and sealing cracks on the roof of the RV. Pikey and Mike arrived at 10:30. I left to spend money in Middlebury shortly thereafter. Upon my return at 12:30, found that all the rest of the roof panels had been installed. Mike came back a few minutes after I did to check the fit of the ridge vent roof blocks he was making in their shop. After lunch, installed the rest of the PVC conduit and hooked up the shed upper level light fixture. Now when you say, “Let there be light!”, I can oblige with the flip of a switch. Then I tackled the job of pulling wire through the conduit to feed the exterior light. Probably would have taken two people five minutes what it took me over an hour to accomplish. Good exercise, though, schlepping up and down and up and down the hill between the shed upper and lower levels. Lake water temperature felt even warmer than yesterday. Rebaited the mouse traps with a very fine New York State extra sharp cheddar, as the little blighter has repeatedly turned up its pointy little nose at the peanut butter and crackers.