16 September 2011

A beautiful fall day with lots of sun and temps in the mid-50’s.  Won’t be long ‘till the leave start changing!  Spent most of the morning cutting rocks to fit… until the Skilsaw quit working and literally started billowing smoke.  Let the saw cool down ‘till after lunch, when, miracle of miracles, it started working again… though obvious from the sound of the bearings that it’s nearing the end of its much-abused life.  By the end of the day only 21 cubic feet of walls remain to be built… though the remainder of my stone pile is looking downright ugly… which is why I’m spending so much time carving rocks with the Skilsaw.  The mosquito control people came around again this evening, and this time remembered to venture down Triangle Square Circle.  Hopefully tomorrow I won’t have to do quite so much arm waving down in the hole.