30 July 2010
Spent the morning grinding down the east-side concrete column tops. They came out “okay”, but some top'n'bond (a special masonry product that firmly adheres to cured concrete - something that regular mortar mix doesn't do) is going to be needed on a few of them before they’ll all be the same height... or close enough. After returning the grinder to Taylor, continued dry-laying the second course of between-column rocks. I’m discovering that trying to work with misshapen rocks makes the wall building task very difficult. I spend WAY too much time trying to find a rock that will fit some weird gap caused by the rock below being a far less than rectangular shape… which just means the same problem will keep recurring. The number of good rocks lying around just ain’t a lot. So do I spend my time looking / digging for good rocks or do I keep trying to fit the rocks that are available into the walls????