19 July 2010
Began the process of stripping forms from the concrete columns. Got all the top braces off, the mid-level cross braces removed, and the scaffolding taken down. As soon as the top braces were removed the forms eased away from the concrete, boding well for their easy removal. Spent two delightful hours chiseling out the four wooden plugs in the underground roof corner columns that created voids that will be used to “lock” the roof onto the concrete columns. Rob from Safelite Auto Glass showed up a day earlier than scheduled to repair two chips in Delores’ passenger-side windshield. Toby Rheaume (ace lumberjack) came by late afternoon to look over the job of sawing the shed beams and removing the marketable trees on the house site. Thunderstorm hit just as Toby was leaving… many lightning strikes into the lake… very intense! Figured might not be a good idea to work under those conditions, so started making dinner. Halfway through preparations, had to make a run to Hannaford’s in Brandon for several key ingredients (lemon for the gin, beans for the pot, band aids for the flesh wound). Got ethanol-free gas for the chain saw at the McDonough Station… but the attendant said “them damn do-gooder politicians” are going to require all gasoline sold in Vermont to have ethanol come this fall. Grrrr!!!!