2 July 2010
Chree and I spent much of the day perfecting the alignment of the four corner concrete column forms for the wood shed. We’re still married, but it was touch and go for awhile there. In between disagreements over tape measuring, Chree went to Brandon for groceries while the dogs and I took Delores up to Kampersville Campground for a much-needed $15 purging of her intestinal system. The main cabin door steps on the RV refused to retract, which made navigating the narrow back roads even more interesting than normal… with the steps out Delores is a plump 10′ wide. Discovered, once again, that even when “level” per the hydraulic leveling system indicator, the RV oven is anything but. The strawberry-rhubarb pie Chree was making for dinner overflowed BIG TIME, interrupting cooking while a major cleaning was done… all the more tricky as the oven was still hot. Marty & Merry came over for a delightful picnic dinner out by the fire pit featuring my BBQ chicken, Merry’s orzo with roasted vegetables casserole, and Chree’s pie, accompanied by a 2008 Americana Gewürztraminer and a 2009 Chrysalis Sarah’s Patio White. Marty’s mission was quality control, which he performed admirably. Don't you think the flower arrangement and bug repelling lantern are just perfect WTT accompaniments????