31 July 2010
30 July 2010
29 July 2010
28 July 2010
27 July 2010
26 July 2010
25 July 2010
24 July 2010
Worked on condo ceiling painting all day. Two lessons learned: (1) always use the same paint for cut-ins as you use for the surface to be painted: there IS a noticeable difference between “white” and “bright white” ceiling paint and (2) when George Bedard (Treetops Condominiums handyman) says that a Treetops condo ceiling needs to be sprayed vice rolled, LISTEN to him, even if two “professional” painters say differently. Seems the good folks from Corner Cutting Condo Construction kind of forgot to prime the sheetrock before applying the original popcorn ceiling paint. Thirty-plus years later and that corn will pop right off if you so much as look at it sideways. Suffice it to say that after George gets the walls painted and the wood trim around the windows refinished this coming week, I’ll be doing quite a bit more ceiling repair and repainting. …and here I thought I was going to be building a woodshed this summer. Silly me! Returned to Fern Lake after dinner for a much needed cooling-off swim.
23 July 2010
Up to East Calais in the morning, where I retrieved three gallons of almost-impossible-to-get Vermont Grade C maple syrup from my long-time supplier, Paul Orlander. Then on to South Burlington, where I spent the afternoon learning by doing popcorn ceiling repair. Bove’s Café with my mother for dinner for their world–famous roasted garlic spaghetti and a fairly good bottle of 2008 Bell’agio Chianti. After way more than our fair share of garlic, good thing there’s plenty of Ben & Jerry’s in the freezer! We got to the restaurant at 5:15 and didn’t have to wait for a table… first time that’s happened in recorded history (which is just about how long Bove’s has been in business). Supervised by retired-RN Alverta (who INSISTED that I sterilize my surgical instruments before proceeding), removed the five stitches from my left hand that were the result of my little axident down in Virginia.
22 July 2010
21 July 2010
Worked on South Burlington condo ceiling repairs / repainting all day. My mother, bless her heart, bought home a very nice steak for my dinner, even though she is a staunch vegetarian. T’was a very tasty but very lean (shall we be polite and just say “chewy”?) tranche of cow. Returned to Fern Lake after dinner, just as a major thunderstorm (2 inch hail, 3 inches rain per hour elsewhere) finished venting itself.
20 July 2010
While waiting for G. Stone to finish work on the Ranger, got the forms off two of the concrete columns. Quite curvilicious. The vibrating (in addition to blowing out the form bottoms) caused the wood grain in the plywood to transfer to the concrete, so there are some beautiful imprints preserved for posterity. G. Stone sent their courtesy van to fetch me back to their shop to pick up the pickup. They also only charged the 4 hour “book” time for the repairs to the front hubs, even though the invoice showed they actually worked on the truck for 55 hours over the two weeks the truck was in their care. On top of that, they took the initiative to address an outstanding recall notice for the cruise control (a feature I use ALL the time out in the woods!) at no charge. And, finally, they washed the accumulated mud and grime off the outside and vacuumed (shoveled-out is more likely) the inside of the cab. Impressive service… which I guess you should expect when getting the key back costs $900. Sure hope the 4WD works! With the Ranger returned to Fern Lake, headed to South Burlington in the van to begin ceiling repairs / painting at our condo.
19 July 2010
18 July 2010
Springfield to Fern Lake, 509 miles via NJ 31 and US 202, in 8 hours 16 minutes – a new personal best. No accidents, no construction delays, and only moderate traffic volume. And, with an average speed of only 61½ miles/hour, clearly there still is room for improvement. Air temperature on arrival a pleasant 80 degrees; water temp now a balmy 83 degrees. Delores must have heard that she was supposed to be taken to the RV Doctor tomorrow… the main cabin door steps are working perfectly once more.
9 - 10 July 2010
Ford Ranger still at G. Stone, where they are fabricating two small parts for which Ford wanted $375 apiece! Also, the mechanic broke the ABS sensors (a $150 item times two) when taking the front hubs apart. Not really his fault – the truck has some major corrosion issues and the sensors were frozen tight. Suspect my wallet is going to feel some major pain before I drive the truck back to Fern Lake. Return to Virginia via Old Saybrook, CT. No dramas if you discount the two cars that tried to merge into the same lane on I-95 from opposite sides – right in front of us. Close but no cigar. Moderate construction delays in Vermont added an hour to that segment; typical inexplicable NJTP traffic delays added an hour to that segment.
8 July 2010
7 July 2010

6 July 2010
Ran the RV A/C all night and it still was almost too warm to sleep. Another brutally hot day… radio said it was 96 degrees. I am eternally grateful to be living a short dive from utter refreshment. Chree and I finished installing the tie down J-bolts in the concrete column forms, then I installed the blocking that will create voids in the four corner columns that will be used to secure the underground roof in place. Finished staking the house layout (for, what, the thirtieth time????). Until the heat just got too oppressive, worked some more on leveling the spot where the shed underground roof will be poured. An hour in the lake restored temperature equilibrium. Picked up an 8 foot vibrator at Taylor Rental. [Bad joke about Chree's reaction deleted.] Cooking over the fire tonight was more than warm, but the steak and beer tasted just fine!
5 July 2010
Awoke “promptly” at 8:11 a.m., swore loudly, and beat a hasty retreat to G. Stone Auto (a 20 minute drive away) where I had an 8:30 appointment to have the Ford Ranger 4WD repaired. Took the mechanics awhile to diagnose the problem (bad vacuum seals in the front hubs), but the truck should be repaired (and my bank account considerably lightened) by Wednesday afternoon. While I was away, an ENORMOUS black bear strolled by the RV, causing Chree to roust Tasi from peaceful slumber to be a witness to the event. Back to Fern Lake at noon for a belated breakfast / lunch, then Chree and I went to work installing the threaded J-bolts that will secure the shed beams to the concrete columns. Must have been a 100 degrees in the sun, and only marginally cooler in the shade. Got 11 of the 12 bolts installed before the siren call of the lake got too loud. Ran the RV air conditioner all day. We need to rethink whether or not we’ll need A/C in the house we build up here. Both dogs under the weather: Shlomo with what appears to be a broken tail suffered yesterday when the queen bed storage compartment lid (that he had raised) slammed down on it and Geisha with either an adverse reaction to deer fly bites or to drinking many gallons of lake water while swimming. Attended the Lake Dunmore / Fern Lake Association annual meeting in the evening; several interesting speakers, but must have been well north of 90 degrees in the meeting hall.
4 July 2010

3 July 2010

2 July 2010
1 July 2010
Up to South Burlington for most of the day to conduct the move-out inspection for the tenant vacating our condo after nine years. Lynne and Perry came over to Fern Lake for one of Chree’s fabulous lasagna dinners and a great dessert brought by Lynne that was topped off with black raspberries and wild blueberries gathered from on our property.
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