Sunday, so decided to just relax and smell the spruce trees. And if you believe that one… Spent the early morning cooking and cleaning. Wanted to bake a pan of brownies, so had to “convert” my 9 x 13 baking pan into a 9 x 9 baking pan. The aluminum foil insert I crafted worked well, but the RV definitely isn’t level… After proper ablutions (i.e., an overdue shave and shower), went down to the Lapidus’ for a late morning brunch, joined there by Kate and Dan. Once again Merry and Marty outdid themselves with fabulous food and delightful company. Completely stuffed, donned my chain sawing duds and spent five hours clearing spruce trees with Dan, with guidance from Kate. Kate sawed down her first tree, surviving that experience with all appendages intact. When we were done, Dan and Kate had a much better view of the lake from their house, and I was one tuckered puppy. After a quick cool down swim to check the tree-trimming view from the water end, took a large lasagna, the brownies, and a bottle of 2008 Chrysalis Norton Barrel Select over to Kate and Dan’s for dinner. Also present were Mark and Karen Evans, Philadelphia natives who have a year-round house across the lake that they visit most weekends. The Evans told me about a much better way to get between Philly and I-287 in northern New Jersey, avoiding all the stoplights and slow traffic on US-206. The lasagna (even if I do say so myself) was great and the company even better. We have really fallen head-first into wonderful neighbors to the north and south!