Awoke to CVPS still being stingy with their electrons, so fired up Delores’ generator so we could charge cell phone and drill / driver batteries and, most critically, brew a pot of coffee. Then Steve and I repaired to the shed cellar pit to continue concrete column form building. Had to take apart and rebuild all of the horizontal rebar in the south-end wall in order to get the two middle forms into their proper positions. Such a look of rapture on Steve’s face when he realized the necessity of more rebar tying! Fired up the RV generator again so we could use the radial arm saw. First time we turned on the saw we could plainly hear Delores saying, “You want me to do WHAT?!?” The saw blade took a good 5 seconds to work itself up to cutting speed, while the generator noticeably sucked wind. The saw also exhibited a decided lack of gumption, threatening to stall when the least bit challenged. What did I read the other day about voltage drop???? Also didn’t help that the saw has been thoroughly abused for over 30 years and we were cutting plywood previously used for the concrete footer forms… which had more than their fair share of dirt and dried cement. Mid-afternoon the saw just up and quit after jamming badly on a 2 x 4 we were trying to rip into two 2 x 2’s. Even after letting it cool down for a half-hour, it just wouldn’t start. Perry stopped by at this point to see how things weren’t going very well. Thinking that the price tag for the shed building project had just gone up by a radial arm saw’s current retail value, I broke out the Skill saw in order to continue production. It wouldn’t start either! Perry checked the outlet into which the extension cord was plugged. No juice! “Has anyone checked the circuit breaker?”, he asked. Saws back in operation, we finished the day having built three more column forms. For those of you keeping score, that’s five down and thirteen to go. Steve left, because all the beer was gone. No, actually, Steve left because of family commitments back in New Hampshire. Sadly, though, all the beer IS gone…
P.S. It was a beautiful afternoon… nary a rain shower in sight. CVPS finally let us have grid power back at 4:30.