The adventure started early this trip. Needed to bring my radial arm saw up north to use during the next several phases of the shed construction. That critter weighs better than a hundred pounds and the weight distribution makes carrying the saw quite awkward. My neighbor, Mike Baker, VERY strong former Iowa farm-boy and once-a-Marine, always-a-Marine, wasn’t home when the saw needed loading in the car, so my other neighbor, Bruce Watkins, former (as in 40 plus years ago) lumberjack, helped me slide the saw out of the shop and out the door to our backyard. Thinking that Bruce and I probably weren’t quite macho enough to carry the saw from that point up the hill and around to the driveway, I brought the van down to the backyard. Loading was tricky but successful. Driving back UP the hill was not. Must have been the inch of rain we had the night before… Tried everything, including attempting to tow the van with the Prius (it was at that point that Chree went back in the house, mumbling…) No joy! A few hours later, Mike returned home and brought over his very manly truck and, even better, truck-mounted winch, which effortlessly returned the van to street level.
23 May 2010
The adventure started early this trip. Needed to bring my radial arm saw up north to use during the next several phases of the shed construction. That critter weighs better than a hundred pounds and the weight distribution makes carrying the saw quite awkward. My neighbor, Mike Baker, VERY strong former Iowa farm-boy and once-a-Marine, always-a-Marine, wasn’t home when the saw needed loading in the car, so my other neighbor, Bruce Watkins, former (as in 40 plus years ago) lumberjack, helped me slide the saw out of the shop and out the door to our backyard. Thinking that Bruce and I probably weren’t quite macho enough to carry the saw from that point up the hill and around to the driveway, I brought the van down to the backyard. Loading was tricky but successful. Driving back UP the hill was not. Must have been the inch of rain we had the night before… Tried everything, including attempting to tow the van with the Prius (it was at that point that Chree went back in the house, mumbling…) No joy! A few hours later, Mike returned home and brought over his very manly truck and, even better, truck-mounted winch, which effortlessly returned the van to street level.