18 April 2009
Worked a bit more on widening and smoothing the path down to the lake. Built the first teensy retaining wall for one section of the path. Probably a good rainstorm will send that effort downhill. Liam Powers from Electrical Power Solutions (whose partner is Gary Perkins – no relation) visited to look at what will need to be done to get temporary power established for the site. Liam will contact Bob LaPorte (gotta love that, in a small town, everybody knows everybody) to have Bob excavate the utility trench for the electrical, telephone, and cable TV lines at the same time he is roughing in the driveway. Lynne came for lunch and to help get The Beast turned around and headed for Junction Auto, where two weeks of ministrations hopefully will set many things to rights. Obviously Vermont is sorry to see me go, as it started raining just as we pulled away from Fern Lake, ending two weeks of fabulously beautiful weather.