Another cold dark night… but boy were there a LOT of stars to be seen! With the RV furnace turned off, almost got through the night without the LPG alarm going off. However, almost only counts in horseshoes... Finished cutting trees for the driveway. Last four trees all were leaning heavily towards the power line that runs along Route 53. But as the man said, give a woodsman a come-along, a rope, a tall ladder, and a place to pull from, and any tree can be made to fall where you want it. Surely the neighbors are grateful that they still have power and phone service this evening. Right close to the road there's an the old barn foundation, which will provide some beautiful rocks for the entry stone wall! Chain saw started misbehaving again today… won’t start consistently. VERY frustrating. Saw the first no-see-ums of the season… but they didn’t see me! Reached agreement with the Glassners that their driveway could stay where it is, we would sign a permanent easement to that effect, and, in turn, they would grant permanent right for us (and our heirs and assigns, in legal parlance) to use the “common” portion of their driveway to allow access to the lower portion of our property. The Glassners will have papers drawn to that effect. [MUCH discussion left unsaid in those last two sentences!]