4 September 2018

Houston, we have a problem disaster!!!!  Wired in the outlet that is under the southeast barn window and, as soon as I restored power, the GFI that protects that circuit popped.  Checked all connections and found nothing wrong, which means my worst nightmare likely has come true: the wire that runs to that outlet must have been damaged under the window as we forced it around two sharp 90° bends and through the piece of ½″ EMT that “protects” the wire from stray nails.  Bottom line: that wire run will have to be replaced and, at this point, the only way to do that is to remove the window… which, you’ll recall, was put in to stay forever.  I need a hug… and to shoot the barn’s designer!  Soon after discovering the foregoing, carefully measured 27 feet of wire to run to the last outlet in the barn (under the northeast window), got it hooked up at the feed end and stapled into place, only to find that the wire was 12″ short at the load end.  Enough to make a grown man drink heavily weep!  Nothing for it but to rip out the too short wire and try again, achieving success the second time around.  Also ran the last lighting circuit wire into the electrical subpanel.  Under the cover, where no one will ever see the professional quality workmanship, the inside of the subpanel does look very nicely done.