11 September 2018

Two major problems solved today!!!!  Ray from R.V. Medic in West Rutland came up this afternoon and quickly diagnosed, then repaired, Delores’ ailing main cabin air conditioner.  Well worth the $200 service call / repair cost.  (Divorce is so much more expensive!)  Of course, this means that the weather in Calais in a couple of weeks will be well below freezing… Surprisingly, taking out the barn’s southeast window without damaging the flange was not at all difficult; hardest part was removing the Vycor® from the window sill… that stuff sticks like there’s no tomorrow!  Pulled out the faulty 12-2 wire and found… nothing obviously wrong!  Ran a new wire to the outlet and no more ground fault, so we be smilin’!  Chree helped me take out and put back in the window, which now looks and operates just as perfectly as when originally installed.