28 April 2015
As the weather
forecast yesterday was that the rainy weather wasn’t supposed to clear until
noon today, had planned to spend the morning cooking a sumptuous repast for
when the Lapidii return from their current journey. The weather all morning was gorgeous, of
course, while I was inside tending to the bubbling cauldron. Now is it eye of newt and toe of frog or vice
versa? That done and Delores’ tank
topped off with another 13.2 gallons of propane, started fabricating the corner
posts for the sauna woodshed. The radial
arm saw seems to have come through the winter just fine. At lunchtime found that Jimmy Ploof had
arrived with his mini-excavator to grade the north side of the house for well
drilling purposes. Had him build a quick
25 foot long by 3 foot high retaining wall, extending the existing wall (that
he built last fall) north to tie into a natural ledge feature, thereby leveling
off the area around the northwest corner of the house. James arrived mid-afternoon with their big
loader and moved most of the fill from the east end of the driveway around to
the north side of the house, which Jimmy then converted into a superhighway for
the Spafford’s well drilling rig to use.
Jimmy also dug a spoils pit and built a berm along the north property
line so that the crap spoils that come out of the well don’t run down to
the Lapidus’ property.