19 April 2013
Dolores is parked back in her accustomed spot… and the hot water faucets are even working properly… finally! Dolores has a new fuel pump, fuel filter, and engine air filter. The G. Stone folks showed me a sample of what was in the old fuel filter. I wouldn’t burn that stuff in an oil fired furnace. Nasty!!!! They also showed me the completely decrepit air “filter” that was on the engine. Really, really nasty!!!! Am surprised Dolores was even running with that “stuff” in her main artery and over her nose. Mind you, she aint’t running all that well even with those two new filters… a serious tune-up and (speak softly) a front wheel brake job are in her near-term future. Worked the morning and early afternoon putting in the next four in-ground posts for the wooden walkway and attaching the associated stringers. Marty graciously helped schlep the Ranger back up to Junction Auto for the required body work and then dropped me off at G. Stone to get Dolores out of hock... very, very expensive hock. Our kids inheritance just took another major hit… but, on the bright side, old G. Stone can now afford to send his kids to Europe for the summer.