10 September 2012
Spent the day stocking
up on Ben & Jerry’s (plus other victuals) and doing small projects that
kept me close to the RV in hopes that Santa the UPS delivery truck soon
would be there. Applied a coat of Thompson’s Waterseal to the first section of
the walkway, whose deck boards were salvaged from a 20+ year old patio deck in
Virginia. Them boards were thirsty;
within an hour they were totally dry again!
The UPS truck finally showed up at 4:22 pm; Delores and I were on the
road at 4:24, arriving at Steve’s place, 100 miles later and with a $200 stop for
gas, at the stroke of 7 o’clock. The washboard on the Pekin Brook Road in
Calais surely knocked most of the rust off Delores’ undercarriage! You were wondering, perhaps, what critical RV
system was going to fail next? Answer: the hydraulics, which activates the
leveling jacks and makes the slideout go out and in. Fortunately, the spot Steve and I had picked
to park Delores was reasonably level, but still…