8 October 2011
Ran errands in Middlebury first thing. Alverta arrived at Fern Lake just before I returned at 9:30, bringing one of my favorite desserts (‘cause, Lynne, she loves me best) and some tomato basil soup. We surveyed the trail where will be built the wooden walkway from the patio down to the waterfront: 440 linear feet with a 56½ foot elevation change. Building that walkway likely is the next project on the list once the shed is complete. After lunch, we painted and applied nonskid to the shed ramp. This being a nice warm day (mid-70’s), decided to go for a swim and raise the dock stairs up into their winter storage position (which has to be done from in the water). Water temp now a two octave 65 degrees; not too bad once you’re in and swimming briskly, but getting to that state…