15 October 2011

Stayed up well past midnight AGAIN, this time finishing Diana Gabaldon’s The Fiery Cross.  Consequently, when Perry called at 8:30 to say he’d be over at 9:30, I was just barely vertical.  A quick breakfast and an even quicker trip to the Salisbury library (to return the book), got me back to Fern Lake before Perry arrived.  He and I put the 30# felt on the east wall, schlepped Alverta’s kayak up from the waterfront and into the shed for winter storage, and did a couple of other minor two-person lifting and carrying jobs.  After Perry left I vacuumed the interior side of the between-column walls… discovering in the process many loose stones that need to be mortared.  Good luck finding them all again, next spring!  Then I made a patchwork of all the 6 mil plastic that I own, laying it on the shed lower level dirt floor to block ground moisture from rising into the garage.  Covered that mosaic with my worthless green tarp.  Then unloaded and stacked for drying all the cedar shingles purchased yesterday. When everything in the garage was neatly stowed, parked the Ranger inside and disconnected the battery.  After that the fun really started, as I tried to figure out how I was going to get everything that has to go back to Virginia into the van… which presently has installed 5 seats that normally aren’t in it.  Emptied all the exterior compartments of tools (except, of course, for the ones that I will surely need in Virginia this winter) and started cleaning out interior clothes closets, drawers, and food cabinets.  Water heater worked fine this evening.