5 June 2011
While Katy studied for two final exams that she has to take on Monday, Alex and I built and installed the 2x10 roof frame over the 2x4 base we constructed yesterday. Then the three of us built the insert that will create a void in the bottom of the stone and concrete roof into which a light fixture will be mounted. Katy and Alex left to return to Boston after a late lunch. I then began placing a mosaic of rocks in the bottom of the roof form. The concept is that when you look up at the bottom of the concrete roof from inside the lower level of the shed, you will see the rock mosaic vice an ugly slab of concrete. Fingers crossed that the concrete binds tightly to the rocks… so hard hats will not be required while visiting the cave. Got about ¼ of the mosaic done while using about ½ of the rocks set aside for that purpose. Obviously there’s a reckoning coming.