5 August 2010
Repairs, painting, and cleaning at our condo. Late afternoon, said, for the umpteenth time, “The $#@! tool I need is in the RV”. So drove out to Ehler’s to see how things were progressing… and to grab every tool I could think of possibly needing. Bill, the Service Department Manager, said the RV steps were working perfectly, though right after I dropped Delores off the technicians watched the steps go in and out and in and out a bunch of times of their own volition. Bill said that was symptomatic of the electronic controller going bad.. a $350 item. He also said the bounciness in the steps was due to one broken bolt and another about to let go. If the second bolt had failed, the stairs would have collapsed, potentially causing serious injury. Not a good thought!!!! After discussing the options, elected to go with a whole new stairs unit.