Fun with rocks in the morning. Chree dry-laid three sections of the third course of the between-column rock walls (her first, quite nice effort, shown here), while I repaired a section that had not bonded properly, laid a missing section of the second course, and parged things together. After lunch we took my malfunctioning brand new chainsaw back to the Jonsered dealer who fixed the problem in 10 seconds flat… which made me feel like a complete, total, quintessential, unadulterated idiot. How many chainsaws have I owned in the last

40 years???? Great solace being told that many before me have come in with the same “problem”… and left similarly embarrassed by the solution. Feeling a bout of Type A disease coming on, completely emptied Delores’ tool storage compartment, cleaned a year’s worth of dirt and associated debris out of that space, put up a bunch of pegboard hooks, and restowed the compartment in an organized and shipshape fashion. I feel SO much better!!!! After a quick swim, went over to Lynne & Perry’s for a wonderful, right-out-of-the-garden dinner.
Note to file: Chree did not put on her bee-keepers hat even once all week… that’s how few flying insects there were.