15 April 2010
After breakfast, went to make a sandwich for lunch and discovered that someone had taken a bite out of the top piece of bread in the package. “How cute”, I thought, surmising that Chree had been up to her usual mischief. Then I noticed that the plastic bread wrapper also had a hole in it. The bread, now and henceforth, is being stored in the freezer vice in the compartment over the microwave (whose cord, apparently, makes a very nice mousy highway). Josh and I continued building and placing footer forms. My original plan had been to have 24” wide footers on all three sides. Based on some reading done a month ago, had revised the plans to incorporate 36” wide north/south footers. As soon as we started putting the north/south forms in place, discovered that the cellar hole is just not wide enough to accommodate 36” wide footers in that direction. Rather than do another major excavation, went back to the original plan. Got a bit more than half the forms in place before quitting time. The Lapidus’ once again offered the gracious hospitality of their table for dinner, which was deliciously accepted.