13 April 2010
Ran some errands in Middlebury in the morning. Cleaned out the RV stove vent fan. Found out why Delores is using so much propane for heating… ALL of the RV’s insulation was packed, and I do mean PACKED, into the vent fan housing. Captured one mouse during the clean out process (who now resides at the Silver Lake parking area) but saw at least one other escape my evil shop vac. Alverta came down for lunch and to help with surveying the shed layout. Marty Lapidus was having his Jelly Bean Place driveway sign replaced, so wandered over to see if the woman doing the work (Tammy Walsh from Goshen Mountain Landscaping) did cement masonry work. (I already knew from Marty that she specializes in dry-laid stone work.) In the course of our chat, while she was NOT enjoying digging the post hole by hand, I mentioned that tomorrow I faced the task of digging two 6 foot deep footer holes in the same soil. “Would you like me to bring over my backhoe tomorrow to dig those holes”, she asked. After exactly one heartbeat, I answered in the affirmative. Late afternoon, Alverta drove me up to Junction Auto to retrieve the Ford Ranger. Bill was $500 more than I was hoping for… Ouch! And that didn’t include $600 of needed body work that got deferred to another day.