17 September 2009
Further calculations showed that the shed, as currently designed, would be too small to hold six cords of firewood (guesstimated two year's supply). So back to the drawing board... Moved, by hand, because we don't have either a pickup truck or a tractor, the huge brush pile adjacent to the shed turnaround area to other piles that will be out of the way of the construction site. Cut four more trees to enlarge the turnaround a bit more... and did not get bit by any yellow jackets even though the trees were close to their nest. Leveled the retaining wall footer trench (by hand shovel, because we don't have...) Took Dolores to Kampersville for a pump out. Sewage hose sprung a leak while dumping the black water tank. Oh, crap... literally and figuratively! Discovered that the bread intended for today's lunch was COMPLETELY moldy... and I'm not real fussy about what I'll eat. Lynne & Perry came for dinner. As they were leaving, SOMEONE threw the safety latch on the RV main cabin door. Consequently, when I went to go back inside after seeing Lynne & Perry off, the door was quite definitely locked. As were ALL of the RV windows and the driver's door. Close inspection showed that whoever designed the RV had security firmly in mind -- NO breach points were apparent. Fortunately, I had just bought a two pound hand sledge. Picking the (hopefully) least expensive window to replace (fortuitously located just above the driver's door lock) one firm swing did the trick. And you thought the wine glasses made a mess?!?! Hah!!!! A bit of cardboard, a black plastic bag, and, of course, you can't call yourself a true Vermonter unless you personally own enough duct tape to hold together the whole State... While cleaning glass shards out of the driver's seat, I found a penny, so this must have been my lucky day...