1 September 2009

No mouse! Drove Delores up to Ehlers RV Sales and Service in Essex Junction to fix water leaks and the inoperative furnace. Had been warned that they were good, they were honest, but they weren't cheap. Right on all counts... "only" cost $500 to get the keys back. Back to Fern Lake by dinner... 1/4 tank (20 gallons) of gasoline lighter. Lots of activity around the yellow jacket nest at sunset so "treatment" didn't work. Nor did the ice cube trick that Ehlers recommended to solve the black water tank level indicator sensor problem. (Other than having the tank overflow through the toilet -- not a pleasant alternative -- there is no way to tell how much "stuff" is in the black water tank, 'cause the indicator hasn't worked in who knows how long.) Found a mouse nest (in plain sight... previously not seen because of male-pattern blindness) in the cabinet under the RV sink.