23 September 2020

 With help from Jordan Ahrnquist (accomplished actor and next door neighbor Kate Middleton’s boyfriend) installed the upper courses of snow guards on the east and south sides of the house roof.  Those snow guards were attached to the standing seams 12′ 4″ and 14′ 4″ above the drip edge in a staggered pattern. All went well until the ladder that I had laid on the roof to provide firm footing slipped off its lower-end brace.  Fortunately I had just tightened the set screws on a snow guard so had something solid to grab onto as I started slipping down the roof.  Jordan quickly to the rescue!  Hearts restarted, we soon finished that job. Jordan left shortly before noon, whereupon I continued by putting the lower (24″ and 48″ above the drip edge) two courses on the east and south sides of the house and the east side of the barn.  That was a lot of ladder climbing, which I certainly am not used to!