11 October 2019

Returned to Fern Lake with all fingers, toes, other body parts, Delores, and the Kubota intact after two weeks of working in the woods.  Got out 7 cords of saw logs and 6 cords of firewood, the sale of which should at least partially assuage the trials and tribulations endured.  On a very positive note: there were only a few occasions when the Kubota was balanced just on three wheels.  Unfortunately, those occasions caused more than a few strands of Chree’s hair to turn gray.  Oh, well!  Expected to find the stone wall complete, or the Goshen Mountain Landscaping crew hard at work.  While the wall was much further along than when we left, there was still about 40 feet left to go… and Tammy’s crew was among the missing.  A good sign: there was a dump truck load of beautiful topsoil deposited by the wall at the top of the driveway.  Tammy did call later that afternoon to explain her absence… and promised to be here Monday morning to continue work.