20 September 2019

Worked a few hours this morning hand raking the area between Lake Dunmore Road and our beautiful new stone wall.  Removed a full Kubota bucket load of small rocks and the glass from many broken beer bottles, ‘cause we all know just how much fun it is to motor down the highway at a zillion miles an hour and toss your empty out the window onto a stone wall.  Such a great sound that makes!  Chree acquiesced to using the stone from a tumble down wall that is deep in the woods on our property between our driveway and Lapidus’ driveway, once all the other stockpiles are exhausted.  Fingers crossed that that will give us enough to complete the wall along the road!  Mr. Jonsered and I spent some quality time cutting dead limbs in that area to create a tractor-worthy access route.  As one limb came down, rather than let it hit me on my hardhat protected head, I fended it off with my bare arm.  Predictable result.  Tammy and Jake arrived at noon, having been seriously detained by another client.  During the afternoon, we started work on the stone wall along the north side of the driveway, getting 20 feet of the base course laid down.  Tammy’s Kubota being off on another job with Nate today, she used mine to move material around.  Afterwards, she offered to trade me her Kubota (2,070 hours on the meter), plus the cost of this job, for my Kubota (480 hours).  I politely declined…