31 May 2019

Pleasantly cool, lots of sun, and NO flying insects.  Vermont’s version of heaven!  Almost got the south wall completely shingled, but the pasture formerly known as our lawn just had to be mowed this afternoon; either that or we would need to buy some grazing animals.  Got 24 square feet done, which would sound much more impressive if you knew that every single shingle installed today had to be custom cut ‘cause there is a ¾″ difference in height between the east and west ends of this wall.  In discovering that, also discovered that the Koma® trim at the top of the wall should have been cut 1″ narrower than it is.  As this is the fourth building on the property, all of which have the exact same siding (and wall top trim), you’d think I’d know by now how wide that trim should be.  Old age????