20 August 2018

Figured it would be quick work to remove the panic boards (2x4’s nailed horizontally close to the roof edge to keep sliding bodies from going on a long plummet back to mother earth) and finish the last bit of Zip System® taping.  Wrong!  First step was to reattach the wall jacks (with Chree’s help) so that I could safely access the roof edge.  Then Steve Ingram stopped by to check on progress and schedule time to help with putting up the fascia, feature strip, and soffit boards.  By early afternoon had the panic boards down and all the taping done, so moved on to drilling holes in the roof for the cupola securing bolts and attaching a lamp holder to the top of the hip post, which should give us a neat lighting effect through the cupola’s openings.  While doing those tasks, noticed a couple of sheathing nails that had missed their intended roof rafters.  Then I spotted a few more…  And then I found that the inside of the southwest corner looked like a pin cushion from the inside of the barn.  Fortunately, most (but not all) of the errantly shot nails were clear of places covered by tape or Vycor®.  By the time all of those bad nails had been driven back out, moved over, driven back in, and the resulting sheathing damage covered with more Zip® tape, ye olde legs again were having some kind of out of body experience.