18 April 2014

Finished cutting up and hauling away the last tree that was down as a result of Wednesday’s Attack of the Beavers.  Figure there are another 15 or maybe 20 trees that need to come down to clear the house site… plus several where the sauna building is going… plus a bunch down by the lake that are blocking the view.  Looks like the beavers will be busy again next week!  Washed and waxed the Kubota, something that SHOULD have been done last fall.  Quite a bit of corrosion evident from sitting covered with salt all winter.  Even from 6 miles away, could hear Gifford’s Wild Blueberry calling me, so went into Brandon to take care of that summons and pick up some more bar & chain oil (which doesn’t taste nearly as good).  Spent much of the afternoon cooking and cleaning.  Marty, Merry, and Lynne came for another scrumptious mega-calorie lasagna dinner with all the trimmings.