2 July 2013

Very heavy rain all night and forecast to continue all day, so Chree went into Brandon to do some more teacher homework this morning.  Stopped raining soon after she left…  Miracle of miracles, got a phone call inquiring about the Ranger.  After being honest with the caller about the underbody rust situation, that was the end of that.  Dave Todd stopped by to make sure that the location where he wanted to stack some firewood for Kate was, in fact, on her property.  It was.  Karen and Mark Evans stopped by to invite us to their annual party across the lake.  Unfortunately we already have plans for Friday evening.  Patched the hole that Art Tournet found in the between-column rocks that could have been an ingress point for the carpenter ants.  After lunch, Chree practiced her backhoe skills for a couple of hours by digging largish rocks out of the house-site area for use in the waterfront retaining walls.  When she had exhausted her fun quota for the day, I took the backhoe down the work road to try and move the last rock out of the way of where the power line conduit trench will go.  Almost got the rock moved, and almost got the tractor stuck (again), but almost only counts...  While I was doing that, Shlomo found a dead fish to roll on down at the waterfront, so Chree had an extra bit of fun trying to give him a sponge bath afterwards. Took the ½ ton come-along and some logging chains down the hill just before dinner and had the rock moved out of the way in less than five minutes.  Heavy rain started again during dinner which is not going to help the widespread flooding that already is occurring.  Cribbage tournament score stands at: Chree 10 / Doug 0. Glad we aren’t playing for the usual stakes!