1 October 2010
The rain that was supposed to clear off by this morning didn’t. Worked on dry laying the ninth course of between-column rocks for the same six sections that I did yesterday, they being under cover of the shed deck. Didn’t stop me from getting soaked through by mid-afternoon when, praise Allah, the G. Stone courtesy van came to take me to fetch Delores. When we arrived at the dealership, Delores was still in the shop with the mechanics working on bleeding the new rear brake lines. Multiple attempts failed to extinguish the brake warning light. They tried fiddling around with the emergency brake. No luck. Then they tried bleeding the front brake lines. Voilá, the brake light went out and the brake pedal resumed having that nice firm feel. Shelled over $600 ($70 of which was for expedited shipping of two $50 brake lines… does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?) and drove Delores back to Fern Lake. Now in order to activate the hydraulic pump that operates the leveling jacks and the slide out, the emergency brake has to be engaged. Suffice it to say that the hydraulic system isn’t working and the suspected culprit is whatever the mechanics did to the emergency brake… as the hydraulic system was working just fine just before they did whatever they did to bollix things up. Of course, the time this was discovered was 5:10 p.m. and the G. Stone service department closed at 5:00 sharp… and won’t reopen ‘till Monday. So much for closing up camp on Sunday… Had invited Marty and Merry over for dinner in the mists of time before brake failure. Instead, we had an excellent prime rib repast at Cattails Restaurant in Brandon.