6 July 2009
Woke up for the usual reason at 2:45 a.m. and heard noises emanating from the kitchen area. Another little mouse had found his/her way into the second trap… and was deposited at the Route 53 end of the driveway. Spent most of the morning cleaning the RV, including shampooing the carpets to remove doggy footprints and hair left over from Geisha’s and Shlomo’s visit. Then did a slight reorientation of the house footprint (turned 10ยบ towards the west to better align with the land slope and the driveway terminus) and re-staked the corners. Took Delores up to Kampersville for a tank dump. Price this time was $15! Grrr… I understand that you can’t consider yourself a true RVer until you’ve had a brown bath. Yep, just as the #2 tank started emptying, the hose pulled apart from the connecter sleeve. Good thing I’ve got quick reactions. Unfortunately for my lower body, the shutoff valve was right next to where everything was spewing out. Even more unfortunate (for someone who changed nary a diaper because of a horrible gag reflex), the only way to continue the tank dumping was to hold the hose together with my hands. “TOTALLY GROSS” doesn’t even come close! Just before bedtime, checked the mousetraps and found another (?) furry creature enjoying my prized peanuts.