First thing in the morning went up to Champlain Valley Equipment (CVE) in Middlebury and got the chainsaw out of bondage… replete with a new carburetor. Got back to Leicester and fired that sucker up. The tree that had nearly wrecked the RV rear-view mirror was soon dropped across the driveway… without hitting the RV. Then the saw stalled and wouldn’t restart. Fortunately, I’d parked the van on the other side of where the tree fell, so I could escape the trap. Saw in van, went back to CVE to see my (fast becoming) best friend Dave Bishop. Dave gave the saw one pull and it started right up, then try as he might, it refused to run any way but perfectly. Much chagrined, I went back to Leicester, tail between my legs. Saw started right up, so I quickly got the tree across the driveway cut into pieces. As soon as I started on the four trees blocking the RV parking spot, the saw stalled… exactly like it had done in the morning. With much exercise and many, many imprecations, I got it to run long enough to get three of the trees down and cut up. Then the saw absolutely quit, so, taking advantage of my steel-toed boots, I kicked it into the woods, got out my axe, and started work on dropping the last tree. While all this was going on, Alverta was doing yeoman’s work cleaning the cabinets in the RV. She took a walk down to the lake when the swearing got too bad towards the end, saying as she left, “You’re not going to get that tree down with an axe. Why don’t you call it a day?” By the time she got back, the tree was laying on the side of the driveway and the RV was parked in its proper spot, with the living room slide-out slid out. Boy is The Beast roomy in that configuration! A couple of glasses of Shelburne Vineyard’s Cayuga White later, called Chree to wish her a happy anniversary. Oooops! Wrong day!!!!