16 June 2009

Repaired RV exterior storage compartment latches, one of which was ripped off by a “helpful person” right after we bought The Beast. Noted that the repair to the shower enclosure didn’t hold up, AGAIN!!!! Surveyed driveway and house site elevations, trying to figure out the wood shed / outdoor storage building floor level datum. Turns out that the driveway is 3′ 2″ higher where it passes between the electrical pedestal and the large white pine than what we thought was going to be the elevation for the garage floor, and the distance between those two points is only 50 feet. So the conundrum is: do we raise the house elevation, excavate the driveway, accept the slope, or some combination of the three? The answer to that question drives the shed floor elevation. While we were pondering that issue, the dogs headed down to the lake for an unauthorized swim. After banishing them to the once-clean RV, we went down to the lakefront ourselves to take elevations needed for designing the dock / sauna / gazebo layout. Decided that the lake-end terminus for the trail from the house site to the lake needed to be via a different route, so I spent an hour trimming branches and removing some saplings. Met Shelley Glassner while hauling things to be stored in the boat shed. We agreed that the Glassners would remove the top two sections of the stairway that is on our property (per a requirement in the Deed), but that we would be responsible for removing the remaining stairway when we revamp the waterfront. Took The Beast over to Kampersville for a $12 pump-out and rewatering. Chree isn’t quite ready to tour the USA in her Winnebago, but she was much more comfortable with the over-the-road experience.