17 July 2008

Chree visited the property for the first time, along with Alverta Perkins (my mom). Met Sid Glassner and Marty & Merry Lapidus (adjoining neighbors to the south and north, respectively). The property is reasonably level moving west from VT 53 for the first 450 feet, then slopes moderately downhill (about 60 feet elevation change) to Fern Lake. After about a nanosecond's thought, was clear that the house should sit on the top of the hill just back of where the slope starts. Chree wants a true north / south / east / west orientation for the house, which works well with the fall line of the slope. Took rough elevation measurements at future house site. This will be the view from the living room, which will be enhanced considerably once a bit of tree trimming is done! Mosquitoes were pretty fierce, but Chree said we could go ahead with the purchase anyway. Swam in Fern Lake for the first time – delightful! Crystal clear water and fairly warm even though this was only July.